The Malephabet
An archive of all words male.

Archive for the ‘N’ Category

Nerd (Nurd)

July 5, 2009

Nerds have become progressively more difficult to define as time has moved forward. In the 80’s, nerds were people that got deep into computers, technology, and generally everything else that their judgers take for granted these days. In the 90’s, nerds morphed into billionaire playboys; blinging out their pocket protectors, learning about the dangers of sex from someone other than mom or the bangbros, and really came into their own.

Neurotic (Noo-rot-ik)

July 3, 2009

Neurotic people are unfortunate souls living in a constant state of distress, finding flaw or failure at nearly every turn… Their aberrant behaviors set them apart from society – usually because people are turned-off by neurotic eccentricities or because they lack the time, patience, or faculties to cope with the unknown… So for all you stick-in-the-mud bore-fests, go find yourself someone mildly neurotic and get them reacting. You’ll have a blast and make some great memories along the way!

Noob (Newb)

May 29, 2009

Noob – slur, referencing another’s competence (newb) origin international/Internet Any significant time spent playing any online video game will net you a multitude of profane, racist slurs and this little gem. Noobs are players who are clearly new and unfamiliar with the game thus they play in a confused , chaotic manner. Players throw noob […]

Nassatoll (Nas-sah-tahl)

May 26, 2009

*Tara Reid has nassatoll. Nassatoll – Compound Term, Referencing Female Anatomy – synonym of ass, butt, can, booty (Nah-sah-tall) Addendum after pronunciation – origin – “No-Ass-At-All” Nassatoll’s are common in packs of snobby white women groups, especially those that wander malls or dog parks. You can discern them from their friends by the complete lack of a […]